Get ready to take your transfer game to the next level with the TrueSpec T. Seal Transfer Lock Finishing Sheet - the ultimate tool for adding some serious staying power to your creations!
With a special coating that locks your design firmly into the fabric fibers, you can say goodbye to worrying about your transfers peeling or fading in the wash.
Plus, the T. Seal is totally reusable! It can withstand 350 to 500 presses, so you'll get plenty of use out of it.
For the absolute best results, press at 270 - 290º F.
Dimensions: 11.7" x 16.5"
Usage Steps:
- Press & Peel your transfer based on the paper manufacturers recommend settings and allow it to cool.
- PLace the T. Seal Sheet over the design with the rubbery side facing down.
- Press at 270 - 290º F for 30 seconds using heavy pressure.
- Open your press and allow to cool slightly before peeling the sheet off in a slow fluid motion.